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Frustrated with the Ads?
Our goal is to empower you to make learning fun with free preschool worksheets, activities, and ideas! Our model has always been to keep our materials FREE by running ads. This way we can put food on the table, pay the expenses we have runing this site, and provide amazing free content. And we will continue to offer free access to all our high quality material! We know life is already expensive and we don’t want to nickle and dime you like some sites do. But for some of you, you’ve expressed that the ads are frustrating and confusing, so we came up with a simple solution!
You can become a MEMBER of Preschool Play and Learn! With your very nominal monthly fee, you will recieve your own login credentials and have access to our entire AD- FREE website. No confusing download ads, no video’s that start playing, no picutre ads, nothing! Not one ad!

My heart is to help busy Mamas and teachers have access to lots of great ideas, resources, and free worksheets to take some of the planning and preparing out of your already busy life. I hope having this choice helps to make it less stressful to visit our corner of the web.

For just $3/month* you can enjoy our website with out any bothersome ads!
Plus, not only do you get access to an AD-FREE version of preschoolplayandlearn.come to blissfully scroll through our activity ideas and download thousands of pages of free worksheets for preschoolers, but there will be a monthly bonus just for our subscribers.
*Price is for one household only. Membership renews monthly automatically to save you the hassle of remembering! Pricing subject to change and bundling options for all 3 of our websites will be coming out in the near future.
New Here?
Welcome!! I am so glad you are here! My name is Beth Gorden and I am the busy Mom of six kiddos who started, runs, and creates new content for Preschool Play and Learn. You can start here or jump right in by clicking on the menu or entering keywords into the search box at the top of the page. Warning, you might want to grab a cup of coffee first, we have a LOT of amazing content I know you are going to love! If you have any questions, you can contact me. See ya soon!
P.S. The BEST way to keep up with all our new content and get seasonal posts emailed to you is by signing up for our free newsletter!