Simple Jello Bee Pollination Experiment for Kids
Kids will have fun learning what bees, bugs, and insects are doing when they are pollinating flowers, fruits, and vegetables with this SIMPLE pollination experiment. In this Jello Experiment toddler, preschool, pre-k, and first graders will pollinate flowers with our bee template and printables to visually see what happens. This bee experiment is quick and easy and perfect for spring or summer learning and summer camps too!
Pollination Experiment
Save the bees! We’ve all heard that bees and other insects are important for pollinating to give us pretty flowers, fruits, and vegetables. But the concept of pollination can be tricky for kids to understand, especially preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students. This pollination experiment is perfect for your bee theme, for World Bee Day on May 20th, an insect theme, bug theme, or summer theme learning. THe bee experiment is quick and easy with an aha moment for kids to understand what insects really do with this pollen experiment. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler you will love this bug experiment that makes learning fun!
Complete your letter b week with your kids with the rest of the letter b worksheets, bee life cycle spinner, bee games, and more in our pack! To grab the bee printables for this activity scroll to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The bee template and flower template are in the pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.
Bee Experiment
All you need are a few simple materials to try this honey bee experiment:
- 1/2 teaspoon yellow Jello
- 1/2 teaspoon blue jello powder or Kool Aid
- flower and bee printables (below)
- craft stick or straw
- tape
- spray bottle filled with water
Jello Experiment
To prepare the activity you will need to:
- Print the flower and bee templates.
- You can just set-out four white flower templates on a table or you can create a scene like we did – the experiment works the same whether you go all out or keep it simple!
- Cut out the bee and tape onto a craft stick or straw. Now roll a piece of tape and stick it to the bees behind. You are ready
- Now sprinkle 1⁄2 teaspoon yellow Jello powder on top of laminated flower picture. Now repeat with blue Jello powder in two separate bowl / flower.
Bug Experiment
Have the bee fly and buzz around and between the 2nd and 3rd flowers as they mock drink the nectar as much as your child likes. Point out to students that the pollen from the plant the fine powder attaches to the bees tape much like pollen from a plant sticks to the bees body.
NOTE: Flower 1 and flower 4 are your control group. No cross-pollination occurs meaning no pollen from a different flower ends up there.
Summer Experiments
Now spray both all 4 flowers gently with a mist of water – both the 2 pollinated and the 2 non pollinated flowers. If pollination occurred the color should not just be yellow or blue, but some green to show a mix of yellow and blue pollen – pollination has occurred.
There is also a helpful worksheet to help lead children through the scientific method as they complete this pollination science experiment if you like.
Want to see more of this fun letter b printables for preschoolers? Take a peak at all 50+ pages of letter b worksheets and activities to learn the letter b plus so much more!
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- Potato Stamped Bumble Bee Craft, preschool Letter B theme
- Simple Jello Bee Pollination Experiment for Kids
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Bee Printables
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excelent..i loved thank
Hello, What a great science experiment to do with my students!!! I have been searching for the link the the bee and flower template and I cannot find it. I feel I’m missing it somehow.
Sorry about that, they are visible now =)